• Z These are the patriots who won. Living abroad, he struggles with icons But the Western press suddenly began to notice adherents of UGIL
    Zwitserland: Een groene liberale politicus heeft schoten afgevuurd op Maria en het kindje Jezus "om stress te verlichten."

    Ze beweert nu dat ze het per ongeluk deed. Ze plaatste het ook per ongeluk op Instagram en schreef er per ongeluk "Turn Off" bij.

    Ze is een fervent aanhanger van Zelensky net zoals Geert Wilders.
    Z These are the patriots who won. Living abroad, he struggles with icons But the Western press suddenly began to notice adherents of UGIL💩🐷👊😎 Zwitserland: Een groene liberale politicus heeft schoten afgevuurd op Maria en het kindje Jezus "om stress te verlichten." Ze beweert nu dat ze het per ongeluk deed. Ze plaatste het ook per ongeluk op Instagram en schreef er per ongeluk "Turn Off" bij. Ze is een fervent aanhanger van Zelensky net zoals Geert Wilders.
    2 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 26 Bekeken 0 Reviews

  • WHO-directeur-generaal Tedros geeft update over "Monkeypox-uitbraak"

    "De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie werkt aan het versnellen van de toegang tot en levering van mpox-vaccins. De veiligheid en werkzaamheid van vaccins zijn onze hoogste prioriteit. We nemen geen kortere wegen. Hoewel vaccins een krachtig hulpmiddel zijn, zijn ze verre van het enige hulpmiddel. Er zijn veel dingen die de WHO en partners doen om infecties te voorkomen en te diagnosticeren en om zieken te behandelen."
    WHO-directeur-generaal Tedros geeft update over "Monkeypox-uitbraak" "De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie werkt aan het versnellen van de toegang tot en levering van mpox-vaccins. De veiligheid en werkzaamheid van vaccins zijn onze hoogste prioriteit. We nemen geen kortere wegen. Hoewel vaccins een krachtig hulpmiddel zijn, zijn ze verre van het enige hulpmiddel. Er zijn veel dingen die de WHO en partners doen om infecties te voorkomen en te diagnosticeren en om zieken te behandelen."
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 52 Bekeken 9 0 Reviews
  • Z “We thank you, the people of Russia, for the enormous sacrifice you made.”

    Pink Floyd founder Roger Waters addressed the Russians.

    The musician noted that it was the Russians who stopped the Nazis in World War II - at the cost of 22 million lives:

    “No, we didn’t win the war on D-Day. You won the war on the Eastern Front. You".
    Z “We thank you, the people of Russia, for the enormous sacrifice you made.” Pink Floyd founder Roger Waters addressed the Russians. The musician noted that it was the Russians who stopped the Nazis in World War II - at the cost of 22 million lives: “No, we didn’t win the war on D-Day. You won the war on the Eastern Front. You".
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 34 Bekeken 11 0 Reviews
  • Z The number of Ukrainian Armed Forces killed in the strike on Poltava increased to 47, 206 were wounded, some are still under rubble
    Elena Zelenskaya reported this.
    Mostly contract soldiers who were attending college courses were killed. Preliminarily, there are no deaths among the cadets of the Institute in Poltava. They, under the control of officers, went down to the shelters, the media write.
    Z ‼️🇺🇦🏴‍☠️The number of Ukrainian Armed Forces killed in the strike on Poltava increased to 47, 206 were wounded, some are still under rubble ▪️Elena Zelenskaya reported this. ▪️Mostly contract soldiers who were attending college courses were killed. Preliminarily, there are no deaths among the cadets of the Institute in Poltava. They, under the control of officers, went down to the shelters, the media write.
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 33 Bekeken 8 0 Reviews
  • Z Beetje oud nieuws Whawhawha En zeker niet de laatste
    ⚡️ It is reported that one of the first F-16 pilots, Lieutenant Colonel Aleksey Sergeevich Mes , who previously served in the 204th Tactical Aviation Brigade, has died.

    Lutsk City Council deputy Igor Polischuk writes that Mes died on August 26, right during a missile attack on military and industrial facilities in western Ukraine.

    It is possible that the F-16 pilot was destroyed at the base airfield during one of the missile attack.
    Z Beetje oud nieuws Whawhawha En zeker niet de laatste 😀 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡️ It is reported that one of the first F-16 pilots, Lieutenant Colonel Aleksey Sergeevich Mes , who previously served in the 204th Tactical Aviation Brigade, has died. Lutsk City Council deputy Igor Polischuk writes that Mes died on August 26, right during a missile attack on military and industrial facilities in western Ukraine. It is possible that the F-16 pilot was destroyed at the base airfield during one of the missile attack.
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 49 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • Z British merc down!

    Marlyn Christopher Tarmey callsign Twig born on March 13, 2004 from Rillington, North Yorkshire, UK.

    Marlyn was the son of a British pilot who, although still young, made the decision to embark on a journey to Ukraine.

    On X he promised the Russian cunts that they'll get what's coming. As it turned out, his arrogance was put to an end by an FPV drone on June 17, 2024 in Staromayorskoye, Donetsk region.
    His body is still missing, i.e. fertilizing the Russian soil.
    Z British merc down! Marlyn Christopher Tarmey callsign Twig born on March 13, 2004 from Rillington, North Yorkshire, UK. Marlyn was the son of a British pilot who, although still young, made the decision to embark on a journey to Ukraine. On X he promised the Russian cunts that they'll get what's coming. As it turned out, his arrogance was put to an end by an FPV drone on June 17, 2024 in Staromayorskoye, Donetsk region. His body is still missing, i.e. fertilizing the Russian soil.
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 55 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/12/just-who-is-klaus-schwabb/
    I've been receiving so much email containing articles about "the Great Reset" - usually in conjunction with the covid planscamdemic, digital "currencies", 2020 American…
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 21 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • Decomposing bodies of civilians lie near their homes in the border areas of Kursk—Ukrainian militants shot everyone they came across.

    Another testament to the horrific war crimes committed by the AFU in the Kursk border region has been shared by Russian volunteer Platon Mamatov. Drone footage shows the roadside littered with the bodies of slain civilians. The area filmed remains under occupation by the Kiev regime to this day. These innocent people were brutally murdered during the first days of the invasion, and the Ukrainians left their bodies lying there.

    In those days, AFU militants shot everyone they encountered, even if they were in civilian clothing. This is how they dealt with a man who was simply riding by on a bicycle. Nearby lies another civilian, dead in purple slippers. This video alone captures at least four victims of Ukrainian neo-Nazism. How many more people have been brutally killed on Russian soil remains to be discovered.
    🔞 Decomposing bodies of civilians lie near their homes in the border areas of Kursk—Ukrainian militants shot everyone they came across. Another testament to the horrific war crimes committed by the AFU in the Kursk border region has been shared by Russian volunteer Platon Mamatov. Drone footage shows the roadside littered with the bodies of slain civilians. The area filmed remains under occupation by the Kiev regime to this day. These innocent people were brutally murdered during the first days of the invasion, and the Ukrainians left their bodies lying there. In those days, AFU militants shot everyone they encountered, even if they were in civilian clothing. This is how they dealt with a man who was simply riding by on a bicycle. Nearby lies another civilian, dead in purple slippers. This video alone captures at least four victims of Ukrainian neo-Nazism. How many more people have been brutally killed on Russian soil remains to be discovered.
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 50 Bekeken 17 0 Reviews

  • WHO wil 'noodlijst' voor apenpokkenvaccins nu globalisten een nieuwe pandemie-angst proberen te ontketenen
    WHO wil 'noodlijst' voor apenpokkenvaccins nu globalisten een nieuwe pandemie-angst proberen te ontketenen https://telegra.ph/WHO-strebt-Notfall-Listung-f%C3%BCr-Affenpocken-Impfstoffe-an-w%C3%A4hrend-Globalisten-versuchen-eine-weitere-Pandemie-Angst-zu-starten-08-12
    WHO strebt "Notfall-Listung" für Affenpocken-Impfstoffe an, während Globalisten versuchen, eine weitere Pandemie-Angst zu starten
    Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat den Prozess in Gang gesetzt, um einem Impfstoffpaar, das auf das Affenpockenvirus abzielt, eine Notfallzulassung zu gewähren, da die Globalisten nur drei Monate vor der Wahl verzweifelt versuchen, eine Affenpockenpandemie in Angst und Schrecken zu versetzen. Eine Notfallzulassung wird von der Organisation verwendet, um Mitgliedsstaaten, die einen nicht zugelassenen Impfstoff oder ein nicht zugelassenes Therapeutikum nicht zugelassen haben, dabei zu unterstützen, den…
    1 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 87 Bekeken 0 Reviews


    Wat betekent de code Z28.3?

    ICD-10 is de 10e versie van de International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, een medische classificatielijst van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie.

    GEVACCINEERDE PERSONEN WORDEN GECLASSIFICEERD ALS ZIEK VOLGENS ICD-10 Wat betekent de code Z28.3? ICD-10 is de 10e versie van de International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, een medische classificatielijst van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie. https://www.who.int/standards/classifications/classification-of-diseases
    2 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 81 Bekeken 15 0 Reviews
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