• https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1epe546p5vo
    Ukraine war: Troops fear encirclement in Pokrovsk as Russians near
    Speaking to the BBC, soldiers in eastern Ukraine fear that Russia is trying to surround them.
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 201 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • https://acupuncture.org.uk/acu/articles/acupuncture-through-the-eyes-of-an-anatomist/
    Acupuncture through the eyes of an anatomist
    MBAcC Viv Shaw sees the human body through the lens of an anatomist – one with a foot in both the modern camp of medical science and the ancient one of Han era China when acupuncture was first developed.
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 235 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • Medical News Today has said that "mainstream medicine has increasingly come to recognize acupuncture as both effective and safe".
    Medical News Today has said that "mainstream medicine has increasingly come to recognize acupuncture as both effective and safe". https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/256667
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 410 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • Medical News Today has said that "mainstream medicine has increasingly come to recognize acupuncture as both effective and safe".
    Medical News Today has said that "mainstream medicine has increasingly come to recognize acupuncture as both effective and safe". https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/256667
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 252 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • Bamboo and Silk is a peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University. Based on unearthed Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts from the Warring States period (476–221 BC) and Qin (221–206BC), Han (206BC–220 AD), Wei (220–265 AD) and Jin (265–420 AD) Dynasties, this journal focuses on studies of character identification and textual reconstitution, and studies of the social, political, economic and legal systems as well as ideology, culture, language, customs and other aspects reflected by these manuscripts. The journal includes research articles on bamboo and silk manuscripts and book reviews. All articles are peer reviewed by anonymous outside experts as well as by the editorial board, and reflect the current state of international academic research issues on Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts.
    Bamboo and Silk is a peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Center of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts of Wuhan University. Based on unearthed Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts from the Warring States period (476–221 BC) and Qin (221–206BC), Han (206BC–220 AD), Wei (220–265 AD) and Jin (265–420 AD) Dynasties, this journal focuses on studies of character identification and textual reconstitution, and studies of the social, political, economic and legal systems as well as ideology, culture, language, customs and other aspects reflected by these manuscripts. The journal includes research articles on bamboo and silk manuscripts and book reviews. All articles are peer reviewed by anonymous outside experts as well as by the editorial board, and reflect the current state of international academic research issues on Chinese bamboo and silk manuscripts. https://brill.com/view/journals/bsms/bsms-overview.xml
    1 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 867 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • Mike Adams has taken Microsoft's freely available AI engine and reworked it by training the LLM with gigabytes of natural health info. 30,000+ Mercola articles have been incorporated into its dataset. No online connection is needed once you've downloaded it, everything runs locally on your PC.

    It should be noted that Large Language Models (LLM's) are not really intelligent, and may give results that sound reliable, but are constructed by them. Still, I think it is a very interesting development that people are taking available models and making something new with it, akin to what the Free and Open Source Software movement has done and is still doing.

    You can download the AI from here for free: https://brighteon.ai/Home/ , and you can choose between several feely avaibale software packages to run the AI on your computer.
    #naturalhealth #medicine #llm #ai #informationwantstobefree
    Mike Adams has taken Microsoft's freely available AI engine and reworked it by training the LLM with gigabytes of natural health info. 30,000+ Mercola articles have been incorporated into its dataset. No online connection is needed once you've downloaded it, everything runs locally on your PC. It should be noted that Large Language Models (LLM's) are not really intelligent, and may give results that sound reliable, but are constructed by them. Still, I think it is a very interesting development that people are taking available models and making something new with it, akin to what the Free and Open Source Software movement has done and is still doing. You can download the AI from here for free: https://brighteon.ai/Home/ , and you can choose between several feely avaibale software packages to run the AI on your computer. #naturalhealth #medicine #llm #ai #informationwantstobefree
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 1188 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • Mike Adams has taken Microsoft's freely available AI engine and reworked it by training the LLM with gigabytes of natural health info. 30,000+ Mercola articles have been incorporated into its dataset. No online connection is needed once you've downloaded it, everything runs locally on your PC.

    It should be noted that Large Language Models (LLM's) are not really intelligent, and may give results that sound reliable, but are constructed by them. Still, I think it is a very interesting development that people are taking available models and making something new with it, akin to what the Free and Open Source Software movement has done and is still doing.

    You can download the AI from here for free: https://brighteon.ai/Home/ , and you can choose between several feely avaibale software packages to run the AI on your computer.
    #naturalhealth #medicine #llm #ai #informationwantstobefree
    Mike Adams has taken Microsoft's freely available AI engine and reworked it by training the LLM with gigabytes of natural health info. 30,000+ Mercola articles have been incorporated into its dataset. No online connection is needed once you've downloaded it, everything runs locally on your PC. It should be noted that Large Language Models (LLM's) are not really intelligent, and may give results that sound reliable, but are constructed by them. Still, I think it is a very interesting development that people are taking available models and making something new with it, akin to what the Free and Open Source Software movement has done and is still doing. You can download the AI from here for free: https://brighteon.ai/Home/ , and you can choose between several feely avaibale software packages to run the AI on your computer. #naturalhealth #medicine #llm #ai #informationwantstobefree
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 1182 Bekeken 0 Reviews
  • Journal of Chinese Humanities

    Journal of Chinese Humanities, a Diamond Open Access journal, is an English-language extension of Literature, History and Philosophy (Wen Shi Zhe 《文史哲》), a famous Chinese journal published by Shandong University. The content is not restricted to one aspect of Chinese culture but rather spans important topics within the fields of Chinese history, philosophy, and literature. It covers both traditional and modern areas of re-search. Importantly, as opposed to most English language journals that treat on Chinese studies, this journal aims to represent the current research coming out of mainland China. Thus each issue will be composed primarily of articles from Chinese scholars working at Chinese institutions, while at the same time including a small number of articles from foreign authors so as to provide opposing perspectives. This way, top scholars in China can be read in the Western world, and our Western readers will benefit from a native perspective and first hand material and research coming out of China.

    #china #humanities #tcm #brill
    Journal of Chinese Humanities Journal of Chinese Humanities, a Diamond Open Access journal, is an English-language extension of Literature, History and Philosophy (Wen Shi Zhe 《文史哲》), a famous Chinese journal published by Shandong University. The content is not restricted to one aspect of Chinese culture but rather spans important topics within the fields of Chinese history, philosophy, and literature. It covers both traditional and modern areas of re-search. Importantly, as opposed to most English language journals that treat on Chinese studies, this journal aims to represent the current research coming out of mainland China. Thus each issue will be composed primarily of articles from Chinese scholars working at Chinese institutions, while at the same time including a small number of articles from foreign authors so as to provide opposing perspectives. This way, top scholars in China can be read in the Western world, and our Western readers will benefit from a native perspective and first hand material and research coming out of China. https://brill.com/view/journals/joch/joch-overview.xml #china #humanities #tcm #brill
    Journal of Chinese Humanities
    "Journal of Chinese Humanities" published on 01 Jan 2015 by Brill.
    0 Reacties 0 x Gedeeld 878 Bekeken 0 Reviews